Lord Chesterfield once said, “Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.” This applies to the field of blogging as well if you are planning to gain influence. Besides, the rewards of becoming an influential blogger, a voice to reckon with, are substantial.
Here are five things that you need to do to establish yourself as an influential blogger:
Be a good writer. There are two aspects to it; write clearly and strive to say it eloquently. Make a conscious effort to become a very good communicator. Take a look at champion bloggers in any niche. They connect with their audience through great content. Check and recheck your posts for correct language, eloquence, and content. Edit, proofread, and if need be repeat the process until satisfied. I write, read, edit and proof my articles several times before I’m satisfied. Don’t simply rely on Spell-check as it’s easy to miss simple errors like accidentally typing “of” instead of “or” as an example.
What could be the one or two things that you could do to ensure that your blog stands out? Uniqueness is an invaluable asset when you’re trying to get yourself noticed. Get noticed first and then build on your influence. Your personality, present state of expertise on the subject, and your willingness to experiment, read, and learn are factors that matter. Your perspectives on issues, blog design and layout, ability to consistently break news before others, and success at building a community are some of the things that can make your blog unique. Take a moment to consider what your strengths are, then use them to your advantage.
Is your content useful? If you harbor ambitions of being renowned as an influential spokesperson in your niche then you need to provide content that matters to your audience. Usefulness is the single common thread running across all successful blogs. Your blog could teach, become a repository of resources, or help people lead greener lives. The topics vary but the underlying value is the source of your future influence. In today’s landscape, it’s important to remember that people are constantly inundated with information so make sure yours is clear, concise, and provides actionable information. Your audience will thank you for it by spreading your content across social media, etc.
Become a niche expert. If you aspire that people look up to you for guidance then you need to know the subject. Ideally, the content should focus on a specific niche. Digress if you think it will add to the quality of the dialogue. There’s no arguing that you need to continually educate yourself on your chosen subject. This will enable your content to reflect truth, insight, and see things from a different perspective. Readers are smart and can make out the difference between fluff hidden in jargon and genuinely useful content. For example, review only what you have used and be truthful about your experience. Your audience will come to trust you for your sincerity and honesty, even when it’s not what they were expecting to hear.
Keep your ears to the ground. Solicit feedback and learn from it. Pay attention to analytics to see what’s working for you and to the general direction in which your niche is headed. Make the effort to be at places, both online and offline, where your audience congregates. This includes forums, seminars, social media, conferences, etc. You could even run surveys on your website with a free application such as SurveyMonkey to gain additional insights. If you do, be sure to keep them short. Ten questions max and the fewer the better.
The steps outlined above require discipline, passion, creativity, and a positive attitude. Come to think of it, these are prerequisites to succeeding in life. Learn from them, from your past experiences and each experience moving forward. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and collaborate with others. In the end, the relationships you establish and the rigor you display in your journey to becoming an influential blogger will serve you well
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